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Cookie policy

What are cookies
Cookies are text files containing small pieces of information that are stored on your computer or mobile device each time you visit an online website through a browser.
On each subsequent visit the browser sends these Cookies back to the originating website or to another website.
Cookies allow a website to collect some information so that users can navigate online quickly and easily.
There are several types of cookies, the main ones being:

 • Session or browsing cookies
Cookies of this type are necessary for certain areas of the site to function properly.
Cookies in this category include both persistent cookies and session cookies.
Without these cookies, the Website or portions of it may not function properly.
Therefore, they are always used regardless of users preferences.
Cookies in this category are always sent from our domain.

 • Analytical cookies
Analytical cookies allow to collect information on how the website is used.
The Website Owner uses this information for statistical analysis, to improve the Website and simplify its use, as well as to monitor its correct functioning.
These cookies collect anonymous information about user activity on the site, how visitors arrived at the website and the pages visited.
Cookies in this category are sent by the site itself or by third-party domains.

• Third-party cookies
These Cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use the Website, the keywords used to reach it, the websites visited and the traffic sources for marketing campaigns.
The owner may use this information to make reports and improve the website.
Cookies collect information anonymously.
Cookies of this type are sent by the site itself or by third-party domains.

 • Cookies for the integration of third party functionality
These cookies are only used, if necessary, in relation to specific site functionalities and not in a systematic way, to integrate third-party functionalities into the site (such as social network icons that allow visitors to share site content).
Cookies in this category can be sent from the domains of partner sites or sites that offer the features avalaible on the site.
Please refer to the relevant policies on how the information collected by “third parties” is managed.
To ensure more transparency and convenience, here below are the web addresses of the different policies and how to manage cookies:

  • Facebook:
  • Linkedin:
  • Youtube:
  • Instagram:

Cookies on our website
This website uses third-party session cookies and analytical cookies.
This second category is however used ANONYMOUSLY, preventing the Owner from knowing the identity of the interested party.
How to disable or delete Cookies in most common browsers:

Google Chrome
Launch Chrome on your device
At the top right, click on the icon with the three dots and go to “Settings”
In the window at the bottom click “advanced”
Under “privacy and security” click on “content setting”
Click “cookies”
Disable unwanted cookies
More details on this Chrome support page

Launch Firefox on your device
Click the “menu” button (represented by a button with three parallel lines in the top right corner), and then select “options”
Select the “privacy and security” panel and then go to “cookies and website data”
In this section you can decide which cookies you want to receive and how long you want to store them on your device
More details on this Firefox support page

Internet Explorer 10
Launch Internet Explorer
Select the “tools” button and then select “internet options”
Select the “privacy” tab, under “settings” select “advanced” and choose whether to allow, block or receive a request for first-party or third-party cookies
More details on this Explorer support page

Launch Safari
Select the “safari” button and then select “preferences”.
Select the “privacy” tab, choose whether to allow, block or receive a request for first-party or third party cookies
More details on this Apple Support page
Data Controller
denobiliaryparticle - vat 4890349034
“casa galimberti” via malpighi, 3 20129 milano italia

Email address of the Controller:

Since the installation of Cookies and other tracking systems operated by third parties through the services used within this Website cannot be technically controlled by the Data Controller, any specific reference to Cookies and tracking systems installed by third parties is to be considered indicative.
To obtain complete information, please consult the privacy policy of any third-party services listed in this document.
Given the objective complexity of identifying technologies based on Cookies, the User is invited to contact the Data Controller if he/she would like to receive any further information on the use of Cookies through this Website.
Cookies consist of portions of code installed in the browser that assist the Owner in providing the Service according to the purposes described. Some of the purposes for which the Cookies are installed may also require the User’s consent.
When the installation of Cookies takes place on the basis of consent, this consent may be freely revoked at any time by following the instructions in this document.

Technical Cookies and Cookies serving aggregated statistical purposes

–  Activity strictly necessary for the functioning of the service
This Website uses Cookies to save the User’s session and to carry out other activities that are strictly necessary for the operation of the same, for example in relation to the distribution of traffic.

–  Saving preferences, optimization and statistics
This Website uses Cookies to save your browsing preferences and optimize Users browsing experience. These cookies include, for example, those for setting language and currency preferences or for the management of statistics by the Owner of the Website.

–  Other types of cookies or third-party tools that may install Cookies
Some of the services listed below collect statistics in aggregate and anonymous form and may not require the User’s consent or may be managed directly by the Data Controller – as described below – without the help of third parties.
If among the instruments indicated below there are services managed by third parties, they could – in addition to what specified and also without the Owner’s knowledge – perform tracking activities of the User. For detailed information on the matter, please consult the privacy policies of the listed services.


Mailing List or Newsletter
Upon registration to the mailing list or newsletter, the User’s email address is automatically added to a list of contacts to which messages containing information, including commercial and promotional information, about this Website may be sent.
The User’s email address may also be added to this list as a result of his/her registration on this Website or after making a purchase.
Personal data collected: zip code, surname, cookies, usage data, email, country, first name, telephone number, province and state.

Interaction with social networks and other external platforms
This type of service allows interaction with social networks or other external networks directly from the pages of this Website.
The interaction and information obtained through this Website are always subject to the User’s privacy settings for each social network.
This type of service might still collect web traffic data for the pages where the service is installed, even when Users do not use it.
We recommend that you log out of the relevant services to ensure that the data processed on this Website is not linked back to your profile.

This type of service allows the User’s Data to be used for commercial communication purposes in various advertising forms, such as banners, also in relation to the User’s interests.
This does not mean that all Personal Data is used for this purpose. Data and conditions of use are set out below.
Some of the services listed below may use Cookies to identify Users or use behavioral retargeting, i.e. display advertisements tailored to the User’s interests and behavior, which are also found outside of this Website.
For more information, please refer to the privacy policies of the relevant services.

The services contained in this section allow the Data Holder to monitor and analyse traffic data and are used to keep track of the User’s behaviour.

Viewing content from external platforms
This type of service allows you to view content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this Website and to interact with them.
In the event that a service of this type is installed, it is possible that, even if Users do not use the service, it will collect traffic data relating to the pages where it is installed.

Definitions and legal references

Personal Data (or Data)
Personal data is any information which, directly or indirectly, even in connection with any other information, including a personal identification number, makes a natural person identified or identifiable.

Usage Data
Usage Data is the information automatically collected through this Web Site ( as well as from third party applications integrated into this Web Site), including: IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the User connecting to this Website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses, the time of the request, the method used to forward the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.) the country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and operating system used by the visitor, the various temporal connotations of the visit (e.g. the time spent on each page) and details of the itinerary followed within the Website, with particular reference to the sequence of pages visited, the parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment of the User.

The individual using this Website who, unless otherwise specified, coincides with the Interested Party.

Interested party
The natural person whose Personal Data are referred to.

Data Processor (or Processor)
The natural person, legal entity, public administration and any other body that processes personal data on behalf of the Controller, as envisaged in this privacy policy.

Data Controller (or Controller)
The natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data and the instruments adopted, including the security measures relating to the functioning and the use of this Website. The Data Controller, unless otherwise specified, is the owner of this Website.

This Website (or Application)
The hardware or software tool through which Users’ Personal data are collected and processed.
The Service provided by this Website as defined in the relevant terms (if any) on this site/application.

European Union (EU)
Unless otherwise specified, any reference in this document to the European Union is intended to extend to all current Member States of the European Union and the European Economic Area.

A small piece of data stored on the User’s device

Legal References
This privacy policy is drafted in accordance to multiple legal regulations, including Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).
Unless otherwise specified, this privacy policy applies only to this Website.